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Crystal Healing 

Crystals and gemstones are the physical manifestations of the Earth's concentrated energy; they hold a unique energetic charge. Their frequencies communicate with the electromagnetic field of the body, remove blocked energy and restore the natural flow of the body. Ancient Egyptians are among the first people to have adorned themselves with crystals to ward off illness and negative energy.

Dive into the divine power of Crystal Healing. Use the vibrations of the crystals and gemstones to bring balance and prosperity to your life. As we move through a typical day, we pick up a lot of unwanted energy; we lose connection with our Mother Earth with our man-made environment -- we seldom walk barefoot on the grass anymore. Our bodies yearn for grounding, literally! Bringing the stones and crystals to the body aligns our energy, and amplifies and ascends the frequencies of the body to profound levels. The vibratory harmonics of individual crystals and stones are used to help calibrate the vibrations in an individual's aura, much like a tuning fork can help one find the correct pitch. It can help with a range of issues, from anxiety to the search for a deeper life's purpose. Crystal healing requires an open mind and heart and a perception of subtle internal energy movement to benefit most from each session. 


During a treatment session, various stones and crystals are placed on your body. A grid pattern aligned with chakra points and energy channels is created to enhance the energy of the session and to direct misaligned energy to its proper place. With aligned energy, you will feel relaxed, less fatigued and may even have transcendental experiences. We suggest pairing crystal healing with sound healing to amplify the experience.

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